You can submit your papers at
Length and formatting requirements
Manuscripts should be limited to 6 pages in IEEE 8.5×11 format. Accepted papers will be published in the combined INFOCOM 2019 Workshop proceedings and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. Submitted papers may not have been previously published in or under consideration for publication in another journal or conference. The reviews will be single blind. Manuscripts should be submitted as PDF files via EDAS. Papers up to 6 pages plus 2 extra pages (with extra page fees) are allowed.
Use the standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at: If the paper is typeset in LaTeX, please use an unmodified version of the LaTeX template IEEEtran.cls version 1.8, and use the preamble:
\documentclass[10pt, conference, letterpaper]{IEEEtran}
Do not use additional LaTeX commands or packages to override and change the default typesetting choices in the template, including line spacing, font sizes, margins, space between the columns, and font types. This implies that the manuscript must use 10-point Times font, two-column formatting, as well as all default margins and line spacing requirements as dictated by the original version of IEEEtran.cls version 1.8.
If you are using Microsoft Word to format your paper, you should use an unmodified version of the Microsoft Word IEEE Transactions template (US letter size). Regardless of the source of your paper formatting, you must submit your paper in the Adobe PDF format.
The paper must print clearly and legibly, including all the figures, on standard black-and-white printers. Reviewers are not required to read your paper in color.
Important Notices
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications society will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.
IEEE Web Page on Plagiarism:
IEEE Web Page on Double Submission: